Dead Poet’s Society

Over the years I’ve seen many clips from “Dead Poet’s Society” but never taken the time to watch the film in it’s entirety – I finally watched it the other day and am perturbed with myself for not doing so sooner.

The movie made me think…am I sucking the marrow out of life? Am I living deliberately?

I live quite a good life and I think that is evident through my blog. I grew up in a good home with great parents and a wonderful family. My only true complaint about my job is that I sit at a desk for the majority of the time. I went bungee jumping last weekend for fuck’s sake…but am I “sucking the marrow out of life”? AM I living “deliberately”?

In order to live deliberately I need a plan and that is a hard thing to make. My friend Stephanie has her life planned up until the day she dies with different outcomes depending on when her husband dies (the men in his family have mostly died in their 70’s while the women in her family live into their 90’s). She lives very deliberately – she plans for everything in life. Last year they knew they wanted to have a baby this year so they paid off every single debt they had and put money away. She worked many many hours some weeks for the plan to work. Now she’s 7 months pregnant and won’t be at work for the next 6 months but they’ll be more than fine. They are going to have 2 children who will be 5 years apart and every moment of their lives until they turn 18 is also mapped out with different scenarios based on different decisions. This girl is a planner.

I am not a planner.

But I don’t think that means I can’t live deliberately. I know that I’m going home in three weeks so I’ve been planning (money, workouts, work stuff, etc) specifically for that. My Tops In Blue audition will be due soon after I get back and I’ve been working my vocals more because of that. Room inspections are next Thursday so my floor is vacuumed and my bed is made in preparation of the pre-inspection inspection that I know will happen.

I think my life-planning is just more short term but there is still deliberateness in the way I live my life. I could probably suck that marrow a little harder (don’t…just. don’t in the comment section) but I’m doing okay for myself.

And I’m happy. I’m really happy right now and I think that matters a lot.

6 thoughts on “Dead Poet’s Society

  1. life is not about planning. you cannot freaking know all the possibilities. i hope your friend never finds that out.
    as for you, you are happy and you are living in the now and that’s as deliberately as it needs to be.

  2. […] Source: Dead Poet’s Society […]

  3. SouthernHon says:

    I think it’s great to live deliberately. There’s certainly no harm in planning and being prepared for the occasional gitch.

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